Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Revealing Vision: How the Planet Will Look Without Us (1)

Our modern-day obsessions with apocalyptic scenarios is quite overwhelming. People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries. Feel free to check out an entire list of predictions of the end of the world. However for some strange reason, these so-called predictions are constantly being postponed. What gives?
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m in no way shape or form hoping for the apocalypse to happen. I’m simply stating the fact that you should always take end time scenarios or the end of the world predictions with a grain of salt. Just because movies, video games, internet, books, and other means of information offer false information about the end of the world, doesn’t mean you have to buy into it.

I’m sure you remember the whole December 21, 2012 drama. Right? Millions of gullible people actually thought that the world was going to end. The icing on the cake is that numerous smart individuals and companies made a great amount of money on people’s ignorance. Compared to our entire global population, only a few people actually bothered to do the research about the Mayan Civilization. This ‘event’ proved to me that there is an abundant amount of mentally deficient people on Earth.
Since 2012 many people thought: “How would the planet look without us?” Since the apocalypse didn’t actually happen, this question tickled my fancy too. Seeing countless digital artworks depicting the apocalypse, I still wanted to get a more realistic representation. This persuaded me to search for the closest thing related, which are abandoned places and modern ruins.
So if you’ve ever wondered how the planet would look without us, you’re in luck. Today we collected beautiful, breathtaking, and gloomy photographs of abandoned places. Each and every picture depicts the kind of beauty from which nightmares are born. They’ll give you a visual clue about how life might be once we’re all gone. It will show you how mother nature takes swift control of human made landscapes, architecture, and environments. Enjoy!

Abandoned Mill @ Sorrento, Italy

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Chatillon Car Graveyard in Belgium

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Abanonded steam engine in Uyuni train cemetery, Bolivia. Photo By jimmyharris

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Castle Ruins, Loc Ard, Scotland. Photo by S. Howse

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Abandoned tanks

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Abandoned Phosphate Plant.

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Underwater City, Shicheng, China. Photo by Chinese National Geography.

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Abandoned Mental Hospital

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Abandoned subway depot in Cincinnati

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Abandoned truck in the woods

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A skyline picture of the abandoned Ukrainian city Prypiat

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Haludovo, Abandoned hotel in Croatia

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