Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stop, Look and Love: 8 Redesigns of Classic Traffic Lights

We all gaze upon the humble traffic light nearly every time we climb into a car and take a journey, whether it’s down the street for a jug of milk or across the country for a great adventure. Around the world, the design is remarkably standardized, deviating only a little from one continent to the next. But is the familiar design really the best design? Or is the traffic light due for an overhaul? According to the designers behind these concepts, there is a way to improve on that most recognizable of urban landmarks.

The Colorblind-Friendly UNISignal

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Revealing Vision: How the Planet Will Look Without Us (2)

Abandoned British Air Defense Systems: Photo by Dietmar Eckell

5pyosiz1 Revealing Vision: How the Planet Will Look Without Us

Abandoned prison – Atlanta, Ga

Revealing Vision: How the Planet Will Look Without Us (1)

Our modern-day obsessions with apocalyptic scenarios is quite overwhelming. People have been predicting the end of the world for centuries. Feel free to check out an entire list of predictions of the end of the world. However for some strange reason, these so-called predictions are constantly being postponed. What gives?
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I’m in no way shape or form hoping for the apocalypse to happen. I’m simply stating the fact that you should always take end time scenarios or the end of the world predictions with a grain of salt. Just because movies, video games, internet, books, and other means of information offer false information about the end of the world, doesn’t mean you have to buy into it.

Shi Cheng - the submurged city

The city of Shi cheng under water. (Photo: Chinese National Geography)
The city of Shi cheng under water. (Photo's by Chinese National Geography)

Monday, November 25, 2013

One Million Beer Bottles Later and it’s a Buddhist Temple

recycled bottle temple
Thai monks from the Sisaket province have used over one million recycled glass bottle to construct their Buddhist temple. Mindfulness is at the center of the Buddhist discipline and the dedication and thoughtfulness required to build everything from the toilets to their crematorium from recycled bottles shows what creativity and elbow grease can accomplish.

Light Bulbs as Art: 14 Shining Examples of Adaptive Reuse

As environmentally friendly CFL bulbs are becoming the norm, the old fashioned light bulb that everyone in the last few generations grew up with is becoming even more appealing for reuse. There are a surprising number of ways to recycle used bulbs and creative folks continue to push the limits.